Text and photos by Laura Pigeon
To create your indoor jungle, we often choose plants that are hanging, climbing, or have particularly colorful foliage. But the plants that become enormous are some of my favorites! I love buying them very small to watch them grow one leaf at a time. Today, I'm talking to you about 3 large plants that really give an indoor jungle look and are a "must" for me.
Monstera Deliciosa
It was obvious that I was going to talk about the monstera! The monstera is one of the most popular indoor plants in recent years and is easy to care for. This climbing plant is distinguished by its large green perforated leaves. In nature, it is found climbing trees. That's why it's recommended to give it a support when cultivated indoors. It grows quite quickly if given the right care and conditions. It can easily double in size in just one year.
In terms of light, it requires good direct or indirect light. I advise placing it in a window facing south or west. To get beautiful perforated leaves, it's preferable to give it more sunlight. Note that when the monstera is still a baby, it won't produce perforated leaves right away.
As for watering, simply water it when its soil is dry. That's it! Giving it fertilizer once a week in spring and summer is also recommended. There are other varieties of monstera that are rarer, such as the monstera Thai Constellation and the monstera Albo, which will not only give you beautiful leaves but with color variation.

Ficus Lyrata
The ficus Lyrata is a plant that requires more specific care than the monstera. It is a plant that is quite common in hot countries. In nature, the ficus can reach the size of a tree. In our homes, it can still measure several feet high. The one I have at home is over 6 feet tall. It's also a plant that is often seen in decor.
It's important to water the ficus regularly. It hates being forgotten and also hates excess water. I therefore recommend regular watering but in smaller quantities. Its soil should dry on the surface but remain slightly moist. If your watering is not regular, it will develop brown spots on the leaves, which will eventually fall off. I water my ficus once a week.
The ficus does not like changes in environment at all. So when you find a place where it is comfortable, leave it there. If you move it too often, it may produce several yellow leaves due to this change. Good sunlight is crucial for the ficus. Place it in front of a window or in a well-lit room, and it will give you beautiful leaves all year round. There are several varieties of ficus that are also magnificent:
They will also become quite large.

Bird of Paradise
Of course, the bird of paradise is on the list! It is another tropical plant that we can often see in our home decor. Its real name is Strelitzia, and there are several varieties. (Here it's the Strelitzia Nicolai that I own)
In terms of maintenance, I personally have no difficulties with this plant. It is quite resilient! Normally, the bird of paradise is also a plant that requires many hours of sunlight per day. It is recommended to provide 6 to 8 hours of sunlight for it to be happy. Mine gets about 3 hours of sunlight per day (direct rays) and is doing very well.
For watering, simply water when the soil is dry. Your bird of paradise may sometimes have dry tips, which indicates a lack of ambient humidity. Placing it near a humidifier or misting it daily can help solve the issue. The leaves, when mature, can also "split" and "crack." For some species, this is normal! In nature, the leaves split to let the wind pass through.

Tips and advice