Help… my seedlings are giving me a hard time!
Yes, it is quite simple to start your seedlings, but sometimes small problems can arise. Are your seedlings having trouble emerging? Here are a few elements that can help you identify the cause of your problems.
Nothing is growing or everything collapses as soon as it emerges from the soil
You are likely a victim of damping-off. This is a fungal infection that spreads very quickly. Your best option is to start over from scratch, making sure to disinfect all your containers and tools with a bleach and water mixture at a 1 to 10 ratio.
My plants are growing “pridefully”
Are your sprouts growing very tall and looking frail and weak? It could be a lack of light. Seedlings need a lot of sunlight to grow well. If your lighting is insufficient, use an adjustable supplementary light. Available at your Passion Jardins® retailer, these fluorescent tubes will help your young plants grow straight and strong!
Avoid also planting seeds too close to each other. Thin them out if necessary once the seeds have germinated.
My plants are wilted
If your plants are yellowing and wilting, they may have received too much water and the roots are rotting. You want soil that is always well-moist but not waterlogged. A tip: if you squeeze a clump of soil between your fingers, water should not drip out. You will most likely need to restart your seedlings if they have been drowned. The good news: you still have time 😃
My plants are dry and withered
If your plants are dry and the leaves are falling off, they may have lacked water. Do not let the soil dry out completely between waterings. Water deeply! Once the soil is well-moisturized, your seedlings may regain vigor and you can continue their growth. If you see that the results are not promising: reseed!
The germination rate is low
If very few seeds manage to emerge from the soil, perhaps your seeds were not of top quality? Seeds can be stored for a certain time, but they do have a shelf life. If your germination rate is low, it is better to buy new ones. Also, make sure to choose a good, rich soil mix specially designed for seedlings. It will help you achieve more success.
Don’t get discouraged if problems arise; the more experience you gain, the more you’ll know what to do and what not to do to have quality seedlings. 💪
Tips and advice