Whether at home or not, we spend many hours in the office. Photos of children, a library of reference books, reading lamp, binders, and more: the entire space is optimized to be as practical as possible. But have you thought about plants? In addition to being ornamental, green plants improve the quality of the air we breathe and are known to increase happiness and reduce stress. According to some studies, the presence of plants in the work environment is a determining factor in improving productivity and reducing absenteeism: all good reasons to create a small jungle in your office!
Several factors should be considered when choosing plants for your workspace. Often, maintenance can be complicated, lighting is not optimal, and the air is dry. Not to mention vacations: your plants need to tolerate periods without watering. It is important to take the time to be well-informed and make wise choices. Here are the recommendations from our experts:
Top 5 Air-Purifying Plants for the Office
Ficus elastica

Also known as the rubber plant, Ficus elastica is the champion of air purifiers. It loves light, but without direct sunlight, and humidity: make sure to mist the leaves occasionally. It doesn't like change much, so find it a good spot and don't move it too often.

The spider plant will absorb carbon monoxide and solvents found in glue and paint. Very easy to care for, it appreciates light but not direct sunlight and is sensitive to excess water at the roots. However, it likes ambient humidity.
Aloe Vera

Aloe has many well-known virtues. But did you know that it absorbs electromagnetic waves? It is therefore ideal near your computer. Let the soil dry well between waterings.

With its beautiful shiny red, pink, or white flowers that remain beautiful for weeks, Anthurium is an excellent air-purifying plant. If it doesn't bloom, it's probably lacking in light. Let the surface dry before watering.

With its beautiful variegated leaves, green streaked with pink, Aglaonema is very easy to care for and ranks high among air-purifying plants. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged.
Top 5 Plants for Artificial Lighting

The ZZ plant is very resilient. It tolerates low lighting and requires little watering.

With its beautiful trailing stems, Pothos is very interesting when placed high up. Jade Pothos tolerates artificial office lighting well.

Better known as Mother-in-law's Tongue, Sansevieria is ultra-easy to care for and tolerates almost all conditions: cold, heat, dry air, forgotten waterings, sun, shade... Plus, it absorbs air pollutants.
Small-leaved Schefflera

If you want a more shrubby or trunk-like growth, this is the plant for you. It is easy to grow and tolerates low lighting.

Haworthia is a succulent with upright leaves that rarely exceed 15 cm in height. It requires little care and likes to be snug in its pot.
The benefits of greening your office are numerous, and just because conditions aren't ideal doesn't mean you should forgo plants or opt for artificial ones! Visit your Passion Jardins retailer, and the advisors will guide you to the best plants to make your office a more beautiful and healthier place.
Tips and advice