Climbing plants, trailing plants, or crooked plants, when it comes time to discipline them, there's nothing like using stakes to help them look their best.
It's time to do a DIY (Do It Yourself), or in other words, make it yourself, to create your bamboo stake.

– Recycled bamboo sticks
– Wire cutters
– Hot glue
– Paper
– Pencil
– Graduated ruler
1- Draw the final shape of your stake on a sheet of paper.
2- Since it will only be made of bamboo sticks (thanks to home sushi deliveries), choose a fairly simple shape.
3- You can also use skewer sticks if they are also made of bamboo.

4- Once the shape is drawn; cut your sticks with the wire cutters by referring to the drawing.

5- Place your cut stick pieces on your drawing to check that your shape matches and make adjustments as needed.

6- Sand the ends of the cut stick pieces to obtain nice angles and thus facilitate the assembly and gluing.

7- Assemble your stake piece by piece using hot glue.

Your first stake is finished!

This model is perfect for small plants with fine and delicate shoots like Ceropegia, String of Pearls, or Peperomia Prostrata (string of hearts, string of pearls, or string of turtles).
Also to do:
Arch stake
Zigzag stake
Tips and advice