Directory of Common Berry Varieties
Here is a directory of the most common berry varieties:
Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum
- Distance between plants: 100 – 150 cm.
- Soil: moderately rich, very acidic, dry or slightly moist.
- Tips: for good pollination, grow at least 2 varieties, but ideally 3. If you only have space for one plant, choose 'Patriot', it is self-fertile.
Blackcurrant, Ribes nigra
- Distance between plants: 100 cm.
- Soil: tolerates all soils, but prefers a rich and rather heavy soil.
- Tips: to get a good yield, it is better to plant 2 or 3 plants of different varieties.
Strawberry, Fragaria ananassa
- Distance between plants: 30 cm.
- Soil: rich, light, and very well-drained.
- Tips: plan for 3 different cultivars based on their harvest date. For example: an early variety, a mid-season one, and a late one, for guaranteed enjoyment.
Raspberry, Rubus idaeus
- Distance between plants: 75 – 90 cm.
- Soil: rich, rather light, and well-drained.
- Tips: there are 2 ways to plant them: in a bush or in a line. Stake according to the height of the variety.
Everbearing Raspberry, Rubus idaeus
- Distance between plants: 75 – 90 cm.
- Soil: rich, rather light, and well-drained.
- Tips: everbearing raspberries yield 2 crops per season and a small harvest at the start of the season.
Gooseberry, Ribes sp.
- Distance between plants: 100 cm.
- Soil: tolerates all soils, but prefers a rich and rather heavy soil.
- Tips: a happy cross between blackcurrant and gooseberry. Very productive.
Redcurrant, Ribes rubrum
- Distance between plants: 100 cm.
- Soil: tolerates all soils, but prefers a rich and rather heavy soil.
- Tips: most redcurrants are hardy, strong, and disease-resistant.
Large-fruited Gooseberry, Ribes grossularia
- Distance between plants: 100 cm.
- Soil: tolerates all soils, but prefers a rich and rather heavy soil.
- Tips: also called "gooseberry". More or less thorny. The fruits are larger and more acidic. Can serve as a small defensive hedge thanks to its thorns.
Blackberry, Bramble, Rubus sp.
- Distance between plants: 60 – 120 cm.
- Soil: rich, rather light, and well-drained.
- Tips: these blackberries should be able to be laid on the ground and protected with an insulating fabric for the winter.
Rhubarb, Rheum X cultorum
- Distance between plants: 60 – 100 cm.
- Soil: rich, slightly acidic, fresh, and well-drained.
- Tips: perennial, very hardy. Cut back in the fall.
Grape Vine, Vitis spp. And hybrids
- Distance between plants: 150 – 200 cm.
- Soil: moderately rich or poor, light or heavy, and well-aerated.
- Tips: new American-type hybrids are more hardy.
Would you like more advice on planting and maintaining berries? Check out our article on berry cultivation now.
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