In addition to providing fresh, good vegetables for the whole household, creating a vegetable garden can be a wonderful family activity. Growing vegetables and herbs at home is a fun, rewarding, and fulfilling activity for everyone; it's a great pride to be able to eat the fruit of one's labor. We bet that even the pickiest children will be happy to bite into the cucumber they grew themselves.
Marie-Anik's Tips
Marie-Anik from Serres Arundel, a Passion Jardins retailer in the Laurentides region, offers her valuable advice and explains how to create your vegetable garden for a family of 4.
First, you need to choose the location for your vegetable garden. For a good harvest, you must ensure at least 6 hours of sunlight per day and be as sheltered from the wind as possible. Ideally, to make your task easier, place your vegetable garden near a water source for watering. The ideal size for a vegetable garden for a family of 4 is 2m by 4m. If this is your first experience, it might be wise to start smaller, 1m by 2m, and expand once you have gained experience and knowledge.
What to plant and how?
For planting, don't hesitate to involve your children; this is where the fun begins. To start, mix Passion Jardins marine compost with Passion Jardins container soil in the pots. Regarding plants, choose vegetables and herbs that your family enjoys and that are easy to maintain. Marie-Anik recommends:
As plants:
- 3 tomatoes: one regular red, one cherry, and one Italian
- 1 or 2 cucumbers or zucchinis
- 2 peppers
- 2 or 3 herbs of your choice
As seeds:
- 1 packet of lettuce
- 1 packet of radishes
- 1 packet of beans
- 1 packet of beets or carrots
When planting, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and not too deep. The soil should reach the collar of the plant. With the children, prepare small identification sticks for your vegetables and herbs; another great family activity.
After planting, water abundantly. After 3 to 4 weeks, fertilize your plants with Passion Jardins Natural Vegetable Garden and Fruit Fertilizer to stimulate them.
Did you know…
Did you know that some plants produce more when they are planted with complementary varieties? This is called companion planting. Indeed, lettuce will grow better under tomato plants since it appreciates the shade, radishes will help limit the growth of weeds, and chives will repel aphids. Learn more about companion planting by consulting your Passion Jardins retailer.
We wish you a great time with your family and an abundance of vegetables! Happy gardening!
Tips and advice