In warm weather, you can see hundreds of small fruit flies swirling around your kitchen. Overnight, you are overrun by these insects without really knowing what happened. In fact, it's most likely that you brought these creatures home from the grocery store, still in their eggs, attached to the peel of a tropical fruit, like a banana or a mango. A single fly can lay up to 350 eggs per week... no wonder you quickly find yourself completely overrun. If you are dealing with this issue, like 90% of people who consume fruits, here’s what to do:
Prevention is better than cure
The best way to deal with fruit flies is not to have them at all! Here's how to avoid outbreaks or spreading:
- Store your fruits in the fridge if possible, as it is the heat that causes the eggs to hatch.
- Clean the peel of tropical fruits as soon as you return from the grocery store to dislodge the eggs. Since we do not consume the peel of these fruits, we can forget to wash them.
- Do not leave food or drinks on the counters or in the sink: empty and rinse plates and glasses, especially those containing alcohol, as it is also a guilty pleasure for fruit flies!
- Frequently empty the trash and compost bin and clean the counters after meals or cooking.
- Dry your sponges, cloths, and kitchen towels, as moisture is the friend of fruit flies... and bacteria!
Infested anyway?
Even though you have been very careful, fruit flies have still managed to find their place in your kitchen. You must now get rid of them as quickly as possible. The solution: the homemade trap.
- Put a small amount of beer or wine – yes, you have to sacrifice for the cause – in a glass or bowl. Balsamic or wine vinegar can also work if you don't have alcohol at home.
- Cover with plastic wrap on which you pierce small holes. The flies attracted by the smell will enter the trap and will not be able to get out. To maximize your chances, add a few drops of dish soap to your liquid, which will become viscous and prevent the flies from flying.
- Empty and repeat every day, as long as there are flies. It can take up to two weeks: patience!
Fruit flies in your plants?
If you see small flies flying around your plants, especially when watering, they are not fruit flies, but rather fungus gnats, also known as soil gnats. They may resemble fruit flies but are much smaller. If you notice their presence around your indoor plants, go to your Passion Jardins retailer to buy yellow sticky traps that you will place in your pot. The insects are attracted to the yellow color and will stick to it. Since these insects like moisture and feed on algae that can develop on the surface of the soil if it is too damp, avoid overwatering the plants and replace the top few centimeters of soil if you see algae.
It can sometimes take time to get rid of a fruit fly infestation, but with these few tricks, you will succeed. Good luck!
Tips and advice