Day 1
1. Gather containers with a plastic lid. A rotisserie chicken package is a good example.
2. Fill with Agro Mix® Seed and Sprout Soil to an ideal height of 2.5 cm (1 in).
3. Lightly compact.
4. Moisten the soil using a spray bottle.
5. Place the seeds on the surface.
6. Cover the tray with a board or another container to keep the seeds in the dark until germination. Spray the soil with fresh water once a day.
Day 2 to 3
7. When the sprouts have germinated (when you see the stem), remove the board or other container and allow the sprouts to grow in the light, without direct exposure.
Day 4 to 10
8. To harvest the sprouts, cut at the base of the stems with scissors. Store the young sprouts in the refrigerator in a "ziplock" type bag. The soil and roots can be composted after use.
9. Reseed again the following week starting from step 2.
Tips and advice