It is said that in life, there are no coincidences. While looking for an artist to illustrate a series of texts on gardening, the Passion Jardins team had the good fortune to cross paths with Mélika Bazin, a highly talented illustrator with a passion for everything related to plants, flowers, vegetables, and the environment. After the first project, another one sprouted, then another... a beautiful collaboration was born between Mélika and Passion Jardins. Discover our collaborating illustrator: Mélika Bazin
Mélika, you are originally French, what brought you to Quebec?
I left France 10 years ago for my studies. I came to Montreal to do my master's in environmental studies. I liked it here, met good friends, and settled down. I first lived in Montreal, then in 2019, I moved to Val-David, in the Laurentians. I love Montreal, but I wanted to settle more in the countryside. It suits me better as an environment.
How did you transition from environmental studies to illustration?
I have been drawing since I was very young. I like to observe and understand what surrounds me and I appreciate the state it puts me in, a kind of meditation. I studied environmental sciences and worked on urban agriculture projects and for environmental organizations when I lived in Montreal. When I moved to the countryside, it became more difficult. So I focused on my art. I create illustrations that I turn into stationery: cards, posters, which I then sell on my online shop and at craft markets. I also have various collaborations, like with Passion Jardins, where I illustrate the inspiring words of other people. I really enjoy both aspects of my work, which I can now live from. I make sure to work on projects that align with my environmental values. I want to inspire, raise awareness, and inform people about environmental issues with my drawings. Some projects are sometimes further from this goal, but it's always in the background.
What do you prefer to draw?
I love drawing inspiration from my garden to create. Drawing the plants, flowers, or vegetables there is quite easy for me; it comes instinctively. I also like drawing people. It's not uncommon for me to arrive early for an appointment just to have a little time to draw passersby. However, I find it more challenging to draw cars or airplanes, for example... maybe I haven't done it enough!
Draw me your garden!
I live in the countryside, so I have plenty of space for my garden. I grow a vegetable garden, of course, to have as many fresh vegetables as possible. I try to preserve them to eat locally for as long as possible. I do my seedlings and also harvest the seeds from the plants I have at home. I prioritize edible and nectariferous plants. A part of my garden is filled with perennials, especially the nectariferous ones, as I pay great attention to pollinators. I also grow some medicinal plants. When I can have plants that offer all this at once, like my favorite, agastache, I'm delighted!
Discover Mélika's artwork on her Instagram.
And visit her online shop to get her beautiful and very useful cards and posters: her Etsy page.
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