Tropical Flowering Plants: Our Care Tips
After a long winter of rest, nice and warm indoors, tropical flowering plants are once again ready to adorn your patio or balcony. Although they are not very demanding, it is important to be attentive and provide them with everything they need to beautify your summer.
What are the needs of tropical flowering plants?
Even though they are not very demanding, tropical flowering plants do have some needs that you must meet to keep them beautiful and healthy:
- a somewhat sheltered spot to protect them from bad weather
- plenty of water
- good sunlight
- adequate fertilization.
Which containers to choose?
The containers that house tropical flowering plants should be well-drained and large enough to provide the space necessary for their growth.
These plants are generally large solitary ones in pots. However, a few annuals with shallow roots can pleasantly accompany them. Their impressive continuous flowering in a thousand colors lights up patios and perfumes the air throughout the summer season.
When to bring them indoors?
In the fall, before the cold weather sets in, these non-hardy plants must be pruned and brought indoors for a well-deserved winter rest. Although they are generally hungry for fertilizer and water, during the rest period, it is recommended to stop all fertilization and significantly reduce watering.
Tips and advice