Russian Rowan
Scientific name :
Sorbus aucuparia 'Rossica'
Light Requirements :
Sun, Partial shade
Height :
10 m
Width :
7 m
Color :
White, Green
Watering :
Wet to waterlogged soil
Maintenance :
Prune at the end of winter or very early in spring", "before bud break.
Bloom Time :
Late spring, Early summer
Hardiness :
Description :
Rowan trees attract several fruit-eating birds such as blackbirds , orioles, and waxwings. They produce large clusters of bright orange fruits that remain on the branches for a good part of the winter. Its decorative four-season appearance and its compact and narrow habit are invaluable in residential landscaping. Beautiful dark green foliage , compound , with a somewhat exotic look.
Recommended products :

Solmer® Compost Solmer® Compost

Mineral Evergreen and Deciduous Tree Fertilizer Mineral Evergreen and Deciduous Tree Fertilizer

Natural Fertilizer Plant Starter with Bone Meal Natural Fertilizer Plant Starter with Bone Meal

Garden Soil Garden Soil

Mineral Lawn Fertilizer- Fall Mineral Lawn Fertilizer- Fall
Tips and advice
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