Stoloniferous dogwood
Scientific name :
Cornus stolonifera
Light Requirements :
Sun, Shade
Height :
2 m
Width :
3 m
Color :
Creamy white, Green
Watering :
Prefers moist soils. Adapts to various growing conditions.
Maintenance :
Fold down the oldest branches to the ground to stimulate the growth of new colorful stems.
Bloom Time :
Late spring
Hardiness :
Description :
Shrub that spreads in width quite rapidly in moist soils. A good choice of native plant for the renaturalization of riverbanks or any place where soil stability is compromised. Tolerates drier soils , where the shrub spreads more slowly in width. The bark of new stems is red , while that of the 'Flaviramea' variety is mustard yellow. A very decorative feature that can be encouraged by regularly cutting back the oldest branches to the ground. The flowers and fruits are creamy white. Very hardy.
Tips and advice
See moreOthers plants : Shrubs
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Amelanchier 'Smokey'

Marsh Andromeda ‘Blue Ice’

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