Winterberry holly
Scientific name :
Ilex verticillata
Light Requirements :
Sun, Partial shade
Height :
2 m et +
Width :
2 m
Color :
White, Green
Watering :
Wet to waterlogged soil
Maintenance :
The soil must remain fresh. Pruning is optional.
Hardiness :
Description :
An excellent choice for wet and waterlogged soils , the winterberry holly produces bright orange fruits that remain on the branches until birds find and devour them. The habit is harmonious , growth is rather slow , the bark is light and the foliage is medium green. It requires no pruning and is not a target for diseases and insects. Only the female plant bears fruit , and it must be in the presence of a male plant to bear fruit. Several varieties available on the market , such as 'Berry Poppins' or 'Berry Heavy'. Ideal for creating living Christmas decorations.
Tips and advice
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