Drinking your coffee on the terrace on a beautiful morning, lulled by the gentle sound of birds chirping happily, isn't it wonderful? In Quebec, we have a multitude of bird species that enhance our visual and auditory landscapes. Although nature, especially in summer, is full of food and shelter for them, and it is therefore not necessary to provide them with additional food, here are some tips to attract them to your home and enjoy them to the fullest.
Sheltering them
Make sure to provide birds with places to shelter from bad weather, to nest, or simply to perch quietly. The trees in your yard or your cedar hedge are good places for them. You can also install specially designed birdhouses and perches. The offerings from your Passion Jardins retailers will allow you to choose the right product for the species you wish to attract more, as birds do not all have the same needs. You can also create them yourself, a great activity to do with children.

Feeding them
A great way to attract birds is to provide them with easily accessible and permanent food. Offer them feeders well-filled with the seeds they enjoy the most, and they will visit you very often. Black sunflower seeds are the most versatile variety. If you don't want to have multiple types of seeds, opt for that one. Be sure to clean the feeders well to prevent birds from getting poisoned. Empty the remaining shells before adding new seeds and occasionally wipe with a damp cloth with a Dakin solution (one part bleach to 10 parts water).

Protect your feeders from predators and little thieves! Squirrels are fond of seeds and will quickly empty your feeders once filled. Place them far from trees so they cannot climb or jump. Use a smooth and even oiled pole to make it difficult for them. You can also use aluminum or other saucers to prevent rodents from reaching the precious bird food.
Providing water
In addition to food, birds need water. Whether for drinking or bathing, a shallow water basin will surely attract them. There are many models of birdbaths in garden centers, in different shapes, colors, and materials. If you do not wish to invest, a trash can lid with some stones, placed in a hidden corner of the yard, will do the job. Make sure to replace the water regularly and not to put too much water so that birds with short legs can access it.
Attracting hummingbirds
Hummingbirds feed on nectar. This sweet liquid is found in tubular flowers. To attract them to your home, plant columbines, lupines, azaleas, fuchsias, hostas, and bee balm. You can also install hummingbird feeders containing a sweet liquid they love, available in stores or made at home. Place the feeders early, as soon as May (or a bit earlier depending on where you live), so that hummingbirds find them quickly and establish their favorite territory. They are creatures of habit: if they find happiness at your place, they will return frequently.
To all budding ornithologists: happy birdwatching!
Tips and advice