Widely cultivated in China for nearly 2,000 years, the peony is a long-lasting perennial that can easily bloom for decades in the same place. It is very common in gardens here as it is quite hardy and tolerates the Quebec climate well. Its beautiful large colorful flowers give off an enchanting fragrance characteristic of spring. According to popular belief, you shouldn't blink for too long or you'll miss the peony's bloom, which only lasts a week, but in reality, that's not the case. By choosing the right varieties of peonies, you can have successive blooms for several weeks. Here's everything you need to know about the wonderful peony.
Where to plant the peony
Peonies appreciate the warm rays of the sun and should receive several hours of sunlight per day, at least 5 to 6, to bloom to their full potential. The soil in which you plant the peony should be well-drained. Adding Passion Jardins Marine Compost at planting time is highly recommended. Water deeply immediately after planting to promote the development of long and strong roots.
Although you can plant all year round, fall, before the ground freezes, is the ideal time for planting peonies. If possible, choose a location where the snow cover is significant to ensure good protection against the harshness of winter. The first winter following planting, cover the plant with mulch to give it the best chance possible. Afterward, if the snow is sufficient, mulching will no longer be required.
In spring, and then after flowering, feed your peonies with Passion Jardins natural fertilizer for flowers and vegetable gardens. In autumn, cut the foliage back to the ground.
If you choose varieties with strong enough stems to support the weight of the flowers, which can be quite impressive, you won't need to stake your plants. If you fear they might droop, purchase specific peony stakes from your local Passion Jardins retailer.
Patience and stability
The year following planting, you will not have flowers. It is recommended to cut the flower buds as soon as they appear so that the plant can focus on rooting. You are working for the future, and your flowers will be all the more beautiful and larger in the years to come... many years to come. It is said that the peony can live up to 80 years!
The peony does not like to be moved. Find it an ideal spot and let it develop there quietly. It is possible to move your peony, but expect it to sulk a little and not bloom that year. Yes, it is a bit of a diva, but when it opens its magnificent flowers, we forgive it everything!
Uses of the peony
Of course, your peonies beautifully enhance your garden, but they also have other uses.
Cut flowers
Peonies are ideal flowers. Picked at the right time, when the bud starts to open, they can stay beautiful for a long time. Double or semi-double flowers generally last longer than single ones. Change the water in your vases regularly and slightly cut the stems so that healing does not block the supply of water and nutrients to the flower.
Edible flowers
Did you know that peony petals are edible and can flavor your dishes? The more fragrant the variety, the more pronounced its taste will be. Maceration, liquid or solid, in sugar for example, is used to capture all the subtleties of the peony. You can also add the petals directly to salads, to add a beautiful, flavorful, and unexpected touch of color.
Healing flower
For thousands of years, the peony has been recognized for its therapeutic virtues. It is said to have soothing, anti-inflammatory effects and is an excellent antioxidant. It is widely used in the making of cosmetics. In the time of Hippocrates, it was used to relieve epilepsy and menstrual disorders. It is still found today in different forms at herbalists. Always make sure to be well-informed to ensure a product suits you.

And the ants…
Due to the sweet honeydew they produce, peonies attract ants. It is not uncommon to see them climbing one after the other along the stems to reach the flowers and feed there. Ants are not harmful to peonies; in fact, they help with pollination more than anything else. If you pick your peonies to make bouquets or use them in cooking, shake them lightly and hang them upside down for a few hours before bringing them inside. This way, you will avoid bringing these little insects indoors.
In the garden as in the kitchen, the peony is worth discovering or rediscovering. This magnificent flower that grew in our grandmothers' gardens continues its ascent to the highest peaks and perfumes our springs with its sweet scents. Visit your local Passion Jardins retailer to discover the latest innovations in peonies and enjoy flowers that are as magnificent and impressive as they are delicious.
Tips and advice