There are almost as many types of gardeners as there are gardeners themselves: amateurs, specialists, eccentrics, collectors, contemplatives, hardworking ones, and many more! Each type of gardener naturally comes with a choice of plants that match their desired level of difficulty, the amount of work they are willing to put in, and the likelihood of success with different varieties. This applies to vegetable gardens, perennials, and indoor plants. We can categorize gardeners into three main groups:
1. Beginners: Busy and Contemplative
These gardeners want easy-to-grow plants that will yield good results with minimal effort. They appreciate plants for their beauty and the productivity of vegetables in the garden. They are often busy, have children, and lead active lives. Since they can be easily discouraged, a high success rate is essential to keep them engaged. Here are our suggestions for easy-to-grow plants for them:
Flower Beds
- Daylilies
Daylilies thrive in both sunny and partially shaded areas, are easy to grow, and offer beautiful, colorful blooms above a fountain-like foliage that is equally ornamental.
- Black-Eyed Susans (Rudbeckia)
These flowers resemble wild daisies but with yellow petals surrounding a dark brown center. They are highly floriferous from July to September.
- Astilbes
With their feathery blooms in various colors, astilbes thrive in both sun and shade. Additionally, they are resistant to diseases and insects.
- Weigelas
This shrub blooms abundantly until frost. It is quite hardy and does not require pruning. As a bonus, weigelas attract hummingbirds.
- Geraniums
This annual can survive winter if brought indoors before the cold. It blooms profusely and thrives both in the ground and in pots. Deadheading spent flowers will keep it blooming beautifully all season long.

Indoor Plants
- Snake Plant (Sansevieria or Mother-in-Law's Tongue)
This plant is nearly indestructible. It tolerates both sunny and shaded areas and can easily survive occasional neglect in watering.
- Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera lives for a long time and requires very little care. Water only when the soil is completely dry. Its sap can be used to soothe burns and small cuts.
- Dieffenbachia
With its broad, green leaves streaked with yellow or creamy white, this plant adds charm to bright indoor spaces. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Warning! This plant is toxic.
- Beaucarnea (Elephant’s Foot)
Named for the shape of its trunk, this small indoor tree enjoys being slightly root-bound and does not tolerate overwatering. It also enjoys a short outdoor stay in summer, after proper acclimatization.
- Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)
The spider plant loves humidity, making it ideal for bathrooms. Its trailing growth makes it perfect for hanging baskets. It is also well known for its air-purifying properties.

Vegetable Garden
- Lettuce
- Radishes
- Peas
- Carrots
- Chives

2. Intermediate Gardeners: Involved… but Not Too Much
These gardeners have gained some experience over the years. They have experimented with varying success and enjoy caring for their plants without dedicating too much time. Here are some plants that require a bit more knowledge:
Flower Beds
- Lavender
With its beautiful color and beloved scent, lavender is a great addition to gardens. Beyond its ornamental qualities, it is a natural repellent for many insect pests. Success with lavender comes from ensuring well-drained or even dry soil and protecting it in winter with mulch or cover.
- Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)
Its spike-shaped flowers attract butterflies. Deadheading spent blooms will encourage prolonged flowering. Prune heavily in spring or cut back to about 12 inches in fall and protect with mulch. As a bonus, its flowers have an amazing fragrance.
- Opuntia (Prickly Pear Cactus)
This cactus is hardy to Zone 4 but beware—it’s spiny! It needs full sun and grows well in poor, sandy soil. Like most cacti, it tolerates drought. Protect it in winter and avoid constantly wet soil.

3. Expert Gardeners: Up for a Challenge
Passionate plant lovers, expert gardeners are willing to go the extra mile to cultivate rare varieties and engage in high-level botanical challenges. Their lush urban jungles are impressive and enviable. Here are a few plants that provide a challenge:
Flower Beds
- Filamentous Yucca
With its fragrant flowers and stiff, spiky leaves, yucca is stunning. However, it requires patience, as it takes time to bloom. It thrives in well-drained soil and a very sunny spot.
- Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip Tree)
This striking tree has glossy green leaves and yellow, tulip-like flowers, although it flowers less in cooler climates. It is sensitive to pollution and harsh winter winds.

To succeed with plants, it is essential to know what type of gardener you are and make choices accordingly. Choosing wisely is even better than choosing favorites! Visit a Passion Jardins retailer for expert advice on the best plants for you. Happy gardening!
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