Plants / Perennial plants / Autumn daisy
Autumn daisy
Scientific name :
Chrysanthemum rubellum 'Clara Curtis'
Light Requirements :
Sun, Partial shade
Height :
70 cm
Width :
40 cm
Color :
Pink, Green
Watering :
Rich and well-drained soil. Prefers dry soils.
Maintenance :
Division every 3 years", "in spring", "to keep plants well-supplied.
Bloom Time :
Late summer, All fall
Hardiness :
Description :
Here is a perennial daisy that blooms late in the season , at the same time as autumn heleniums and autumn asters. The 'Clara Curtis' variety offers beautiful pale pink flowers with long narrow petals. The habit of the plant is rather loose. Use it as a filler plant in cut flower gardens. The foliage is aromatic, and the flowers retain their freshness for a long time in bouquet form.
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