Plants / Houseplants / Ficus elastica 'Burgundy'
Plants / Houseplants / Ficus elastica 'Burgundy'
Scientific name :
Light Requirements :
Height :
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Color :
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Description :
The ficus elastica , commonly known as the rubber plant , is distinguished by the color of its foliage, which is a dark burgundy , almost black.
Its elongated shape will add height to any of your decorations. Not to mention that it is a depolluting plant.
In terms of care , it is a fairly easy plant.
The ficus elastica likes to have good lighting , but be careful , no direct sunlight.
This plant appreciates humidity , so we favor good ambient humidity.
A well-drained soil with frequent , but moderate watering is recommended. It is preferable to let the potting soil dry out between each watering.
Be careful , in addition to being sensitive to cold , the ficus does not like to be moved.
A little tip: rotate the ficus once a week so that it maintains a nice shape.
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